Strength training involves activities that make your muscles do more work than they usually do. Strength training is important, because it:
- Improves your bone mass and strength
- Improves balance and mental health
- Enhances posture
- Makes daily activities like carrying groceries easier
- Decreases chance of injury
- Prevents chronic diseases.
For maximum health benefits, it’s best to perform muscle strengthening activities two or more days per week, and to involve all major muscle groups like your legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms.
No strength training method is better than another. You can use machines, dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands and even your own bodyweight! The strength training method(s) you decide on may depend on personal preference, access and availability, convenience, and comfort level. It's important to choose methods that are safe and practical for you. Machine-based exercises are generally safer for beginners than free weights because machines are more stable and rely less on coordination and balance.
Here are some tips for strength training:
Learn from others by using Campus Recreation’s resources like small group training
Use proper form and technique. Checkout the ACE Exercise Library for easy to access instructions on how to do hundreds of movements.
Use proper breathing techniques (exhale during the working part of a movement, like when you’re pushing yourself off the ground in a push-up or standing out of a squat).