Reporting Discrimination, Sexual Violence, and Sexual Harassment

SHCS Service Announcement

Due to scheduled union action on 
Tuesday, April 1st, 
there may be a reduction in services at SHCS. 

We are taking necessary precautions to assure your visit to SHCS during that timeframe goes smoothly. 

Anytime, including when SHCS has reduced services, students can call the following resources: 


Medical Advice Nurse at 530-752-2349 


Counseling Services 24 Hour Consultation Line: 530-752-0871  or

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: at 988

Additional support is available:  LiveHealth Online for SHIP students (virtual medical and mental health care) and UWill (virtual mental health care).

University of California Notice of Nondiscrimination

The University of California and UC Davis Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) are committed to the principle of treating each community member with respect and dignity.

Across all of its locations, including healthcare settings, the University prohibits discrimination and harassment (including sexual assault and other forms of sexual harassment).  UC provides equal opportunities for all patients, applicants, employees, faculty members and students regardless of sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation or other legally protected characteristics.  For more on the University’s commitment to integrity, accountability and respect for all members of our community, please see the University’s Principles of Community.

  • How to Report Sexual Violence or Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking are prohibited by the University of California Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy and the UC Davis Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy.  When a member of the UC Davis community commits sexual violence or sexual harassment, this policy violation may be reported to the UC Davis Title IX Office, even if the harassment or violence occurred off campus.  When someone is harmed by a UC Davis community member, the victim can choose to report to Title IX, the police, or both.

    When someone chooses to report to the UC Davis Title IX office, they can make a report online, in-person, or over the phone.  The UC Davis Harassment & Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program (HDAPP) is the office designated by the UC Davis Title IX Officer to receive reports of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking, and discrimination.
    - Online: Submit a Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Incident Report Form
    - In Person: An in-person report can be coordinated by the CARE advocate working with the victim, or by contacting HDAPP directly
    - Telephone: To make a report over the phone, call (530) 747
    -3864 (UC Davis Campus) or (916) 734-3417 (UC Davis Health).
                 - HDAPP Also offers an Anonymous Call Line for individuals who wish to raise a concern without disclosing their identity.
                               - UC Davis Campus: (530) 747-3865
                               - UC Davis Health: (916) 734-2255

    When someone chooses to report sexual assault, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence and/or stalking, they have certain rights, including the right to have an advisor and/or support person of their choosing accompany them to their interview with campus Title IX officials.  For more information about rights during the University Title IX reporting process, go to “Know Your Rights.”

    You can also report directly to Law Enforcement.  Sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking are considered crimes in California.  Many States have similar laws, although the specific language may vary. When someone experiences one of these crimes, or any other crime, they have a right to report it to the law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction were the crime happened.  For example, if the crime was committed on UC Davis property (Davis campus or Sacramento Campus) it would be reported to the UC Davis Police Department. Crimes that are committed in the city or county would be reported to the police department that patrols that city or county, i.e. Davis Police Department, Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department, etc.

    When someone chooses to report their sexual assault, abuse by an intimate partner, or the stalking behaviors they are experiencing, they have certain rights, including the right to have a victim advocate and/or support person of their choosing with them during any investigative interview.  For more information about victim rights when reporting to the police, go to “Know Your Rights.”

  •  How to Provide Feedback About Your Experience at SHCS
  •  Your feedback and comments are important to us. The sharing of your experiences help us improve the quality of the services we provide. If you would like to provide feedback, compliments or concerns regarding your visit, you may do so several ways. 
    - Submit your feedback online. This can be anonymous.
    - Fill out a yellow comment card (located in each reception area). These can be anonymous.
    - Phone the Quality Improvement Manager at (530) 752-6559

    Every comment regardless of how it is submitted is tracked and reviewed by the Quality Manager and sent to the appropriate department for investigation. All feedback is additionally reviewed by our Executive Quality Risk Committee.
  •  Reporting Obligations of UC Personnel
  • All University employees are responsible for creating and maintaining the safe, supportive and respectful environment that our students and colleagues expect and deserve. Additionally, under some circumstances, SHCS providers and staff members are required by University policy to report possible sexual harassment to the Title IX office. The Harassment & Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program (HDAPP) provides information about the responsibility of campus staff and faculty to report sexual harassment as members of the UC Davis community.

  • Confidential Campus Resources to Report Sexual Misconduct

  • Center for Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE)
    Phone: (530) 752-3299
    Counseling Services 
    24-Hour Counseling Consultation: (530) 752-0871
    Appointments Line: (530) 752-0871

    Academic Staff Assistance Program (ASAP)
    112 A Street, Guilbert House
    Hours: M-F 8am-5pm
    Phone: (530) 752-2727

    Women’s Resources & Research Center
    North Hall
    Hours: M-Th 9am - 5pm, F 9am - 4pm
    Phone: (530) 752-3372

    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Resource Center
    Student Community Center
    Hours: M 10am - 4:30pm, T-F 10am-6pm 
    Phone: (530) 752-2452

    Office of the Ombuds
    Hours: M-F 8am - 5pm
    Phone: (530) 754-7233

    Family Protection and Legal Assistance Clinic
    Phone: (530) 752-6532

  • Non-confidential Resources to Report Sexual Misconduct

  • UC Davis Police Department
    Emergency Phone: 911 or (530) 752-1230
    Non-Emergency Phone: (530) 752-2677

    City of Davis Police Department
    2600 Fifth St.
    Davis, CA 95618
    Emergency Phone: 911 or (530) 758-3600
    Non-Emergency: (530) 747-5400

    Harassment and Discrimination Assistance & Prevention Program (HDAPP)
    207 Third Street, # 210
    Davis, CA 95616
    Main Line: (530) 747-3864
    Anonymous Line: (530) 747-3865
    Title IX Officer
    Wendi Delmendo
    Phone: (530) 752-9466

  • Off-Campus Resources to Report Discrimination, Harassment, or Misconduct


    If you would prefer to file a complaint with an outside agency instead of, or in addition to, a complaint with the University, you can file a civil rights complaint with any of the following:

    Medical Board of California

    To file a complaint about any California-licensed physician or midwife

    California Department of Consumer Affairs

    To file complaints about any health professional licensed in the State of California

    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights

    The Office for Civil Rights works to ensure equal access to education and through enforcement of civil right protections on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex discrimination, disability and age.

    California Department of Public Health’s Center for Health Care Quality (CHCQ)

    The CHCQ Licensing and Certification Program at the California Department of Public Health has regulatory oversight of licensed and certified health care facilities and of certain types of health care professionals. CHCQ also investigates consumer complaints against the facilities and professionals within its purview.

    California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH)

    The mission of the DFEH is to protect the people of California from unlawful discrimination in employment, housing, businesses, and state-funded programs, and from bias-motivated violence and human trafficking.