Voluntary Student / Dependent

SHCS Service Announcement

Due to scheduled union action on 
Tuesday, April 1st, 
there may be a reduction in services at SHCS. 

We are taking necessary precautions to assure your visit to SHCS during that timeframe goes smoothly. 

Anytime, including when SHCS has reduced services, students can call the following resources: 


Medical Advice Nurse at 530-752-2349 


Counseling Services 24 Hour Consultation Line: 530-752-0871  or

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: at 988

Additional support is available:  LiveHealth Online for SHIP students (virtual medical and mental health care) and UWill (virtual mental health care).

Voluntary Student Enrollment

Students who have graduated, or are on Filing Fee status, can elect to enroll in UC SHIP voluntary coverage for an additional quarter or semester. Students who are on Planned Educational Leave (PELP) status, can elect to enroll in UC SHIP voluntary coverage for up to two quarters, or one semester.

In order to qualify for enrollment in the voluntary coverage, you must have been enrolled in UC SHIP for the previous term immediately prior to the one in which you are requesting to enroll in the voluntary coverage. Example: You wish to enroll in voluntary coverage for Spring quarter - you must have been enrolled in UC SHIP for Winter quarter.  Any gaps in coverage may prevent you from being able to enroll in the voluntary coverage.

Voluntary coverage enrollment is processed by Academic Health Plan (AHP) on behalf of UC SHIP. All communication and payments go through AHP. Use the enrollment forms available on this page to enroll in the voluntary coverage. 

**Students who withdraw or cancel their registration with UC Davis, or who have been dismissed, are not eligible to enroll in the voluntary coverage.**

Dependent Enrollment

UC SHIP enrolled students who have eligible dependents may elect to enroll them in the dependent coverage. Enrollment in this coverage is voluntary, and must be renewed each term in order to continue coverage. Coverage for eligible dependents will not be effective prior to that of the insured student, or extend beyond that of the insured student. 
The plan offered to dependents provides medical insurance, and the option to purchase dental/vision benefits. Plan benefits for the voluntary dependent plans are identical to those for registered UC Davis students enrolled in UC SHIP.
-  Dependents enrolled in the plan are not eligible to obtain services through Student Health and Counseling Services.
-  Dependents enrolled in the plan are not required to obtain a referral for services.
-  Dependents enrolled in the plan can only obtain services from Anthem Blue Cross contracted providers. Out of Network benefits are not available.

***GSR's and ASE's employed in a qualifying appointment are eligible to receive 100% premium remission for child dependents enrolled in UC SHIP if the GSR/ASE's income exceeds the designated Medi-Cal eligibility threshold as specified in the collective bargaining agreements. See the Child Dependent Health Premium Benefit Program & Form for details.


How To Enroll

Voluntary enrollment in UC SHIP is managed by Academic Health Plan (AHP), our third party vendor. The cost of insurance (premiums) for voluntary enrollment is paid directly to AHP. The UC Davis Insurance Services office does not manage enrollment or collect payments for the voluntary enrollment plan. More information about the voluntary enrollment process is available in the below guide.

Online Enrollment Student Experience Guide (pdf)


Enrollment Dates / Qualifying Event Enrollment

Students can enroll themselves and/or their dependents in the UC SHIP voluntary coverage at the start of each new term. The enrollment date period is listed on the Premium Cost Sheet for each term.

Qualifying Event Enrollment

Students who wish to enroll a dependent in UC SHIP outside of the dates listed on the premium cost sheets, must submit the request online using the AHP Portal.

Qualifying events include marriage/divorce, loss of prior coverage, adoption of a child, newborns.