Overview of Ingrown Toenails
Excessive compression can cause the lateral edges of the great toenail to irritate and inflame the adjacent skin. The irritated skin can also become infected.
Signs & Symptoms
- Pain
- Swelling
- Redness
- Drainage of pus
- Wear shoes that do not compress the toes
- Nails should be cut straight across so that the corners are visible
- DO NOT TRY TO CUT OUT THE INGROWN NAIL (this will only make the problem worse)
- Soak the foot in warm water to soften the nail and insert a small ball of cotton under the corner to elevate the edge and relieve the pressure on the skin
- If symptoms are severe, make an appointment at SHCS Medical Services
- In some cases surgical treatment is advised
How We Can Help
- If you would like to be seen by our medical staff, please contact our Appointment Desk to schedule an appointment.
- Also, our Advice Nurse service is available at no charge for all UC Davis students to discuss health concerns and the need for medical care.