Roxana Reyes, LMFT

Roxanna Reyes

Position Title
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

  • Counseling Services


University of California, Davis
California State University, Sacramento

How I Work With Students

I enjoy working with students in a collaborative, holistic, approach to addressing their concerns. As a Narrative therapist, I value a student’s lived experience and hope to help them find their voice and truth as they work towards seeing themselves as having appropriate reactions to the world they live in. I center interventions around positive outcomes and help students get reconnected to their strengths, skills, and abilities. Conversations about culture and social constructs of problems help the student create a vision of their preferred outcome while holding space for the mixed feelings involved in the process.
I work with all students and have a specialty area working with Undocumented Students, Chicanx/Latinx Community, First Generation College Students, Students of Color and Gender Care.
I draw upon multiple therapeutic frameworks to provide person-centered support. I incorporate psychoeducation to assist students in sharing their lived experiences while Narrative therapy and skill building interventions help materialize their goals in counseling. I often draw upon ancestral knowledge, energy work, and cultural mental health practices to support the student and decolonize the therapeutic process.

About Me

I am a first gen, identifying as Chicana/Xicana, and earned degrees from both sides of the causeway. I graduated from UC Davis with a BS in Psychology before earning a MS in Counselor Education at CSU Sacramento. I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and also hold a PPS credential which I used to work as a school counselor for many years. I joined Counseling Services in 2010 and provided eleven years of service as one of the original CAN Community Counselors working specifically with the Chicanx/Latinx community. I currently work in general services and continue my passion to work with marginalized students as a member of our Gender Care Team.
For several years, I’ve served as clinical supervisor of the doctoral training program emphasis area in working with undocumented students. I created and founded the Chicanx/Latinx issues forum called Mental Menudo and cofounded Adelante Mujeres, a support group for Chicana/Latina students on campus.
I received a Citation for Excellence Award from the Chancellors office in 2011 for my contribution to the campus community and was also Alpha Pi Sigma Chapter Advisor of the Year in 2015. 

Recommended Bibliotherapy

  • The Maria Paradox: How Latinas Can Merge Old World Tradition with New World Self Esteem, Carmen Inoa Vasquez and Rosa Maria Gil
  • The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom, Don Miguel Ruiz
  • Fleshing The Spirit: Spirituality and Activism in Chicana, Latina and Indigenous Women's Lives, Elisa Facio and Irene Lara
  • Chicana and Chicano Mental Health: Alma, Mente y Corazon, Yvette G. Flores
  • Strengths Based Parenting: Developing Your Children's Innate Talents, Mary Reckmeyer
  • Why has nobody told me this before, Dr. Julie Smith
  • Self Care for Latinas, Raquel Reichard

Contact Information

Students are advised to use Health-e-Messaging for all communications.